Worried about your EMF exposure? Follow these 10 steps to reduce your exposure today!

EMF exposure has been linked to a plethora of health issues. If you don’t know what EMF’s are, see my blog post ‘What Are EMF’s and Why Should I Care?’

Basically, EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) are fields of energy that come from our electrical devices. This could be the electricity in your walls, the radio frequency from your cell phone or Wi-Fi, or even the magnetic fields from overhead power lines.

EMF’s have been shown over and over to cause adverse health effects. If you still think that the science isn’t clear, please see these 400 studies that show us otherwise. Need more? How about this database of over 28,000 research studies.

Ok, so now that you know EMF’s are a real concern, what can you do about it? The best way to protect yourself from EMF’s is to reduce your exposure. Yes, EMF’s are everywhere. Yes, they’re difficult to avoid. But don’t use that as an excuse for complacency. There are MANY things you can do to reduce your exposure. Whether you noticeably feel the effects from EMF’s or not, you should put these tips into practice as soon as possible. Even if you don’t noticeably feel them, they’re still causing oxidative damage and DNA breaks inside your body.

There are four different types of EMF’s we’re concerned about. If you need a primer, refer to the blog I mentioned above. Understanding each of the fields and how they work can be complicated and overwhelming. In this blog, we’re going to keep things simple so you don’t need to worry about all that. Instead, we’re going to list the top 10 ways you can reduce your EMF exposure immediately. By implementing these tips, you can dramatically improve your health and ward off chronic conditions from developing in the future.

1. Use a landline. Really, it’s ok, and they still work! Remember to use a corded phone instead of a cordless phone. Cordless phones are like having a mini-cell tower in your house. They give off one of the highest sources of EMF pollution.

2. If you use a cell phone, keep it on airplane mode as much as possible. At a minimum, consider a shielding case like a SafeSleeve. I recommend using them with an air tube headset from the same company. They reduce your exposure somewhat, and any reduction is worth achieving. But be aware there has to be a signal in order to use your phone, so even with a case, you need to minimize your cell phone use.

3. Use a wired Ethernet connection for your computers. At a minimum, unplug Wi-Fi when not in use, specifically at night when sleeping. Using Ethernet is really the best option, but if you absolutely cannot get rid of WiFi, consider purchasing a Wave Cage or a Signal Timer like those found here

Another good option, is to purchase a ‘Low-EMF’ router like the JRS Eco Wi-Fi Router. These routers reduce the pulsed frequencies by up to 90%.  You can also purchase a model that disables the Wi-Fi signal when it is not being used. So if no device is calling for a signal, then the router enters sleep mode.  If you’re not willing to unplug the router or just need a simple solution you don’t have to think about, these JRS routers are a good option.
4. Limit or do not use personal tracking devices/fitness tracking devices or Bluetooth devices (especially on your body!). If you must have a fitness device, the Oura ring allows you to disable the RF and still collects data. You just have to sync it once a day: https://ouraring.com/

5. When moving or purchasing a new home, be aware of the cell towers in the vicinity. The closer they are, the more RF you’re going to get. Use Antenna Search to see how close the nearest towers AND antennas are to your home: http://www.antennasearch.com/

6. Be aware of ‘Smart’ appliances, speakers, meters, etc. If you have a smart meter on your house, see if you can opt out. See this website for more information: https://takebackyourpower.net/

7. Avoid microwaves. Either get rid of it entirely or unplug it. Don’t panic, you still have a stove, right?

8. Turn off breakers to the bedroom at night– but know your levels first! Turning off the breakers is excellent, but you need to either have a meter or consult with a Building Biologist to do this properly. You can also place your bed a few feet from the wall, the electric fields are highest against the wall and drop off with distance.

9. Unplug anything that is not being used, especially in the bedroom. Don’t have power cords near or underneath the bed. Unplug bedside lamps at night, or anything else plugged in near your head.

10. Be aware of large appliances on the other side of the bedroom wall. Distance is key. Don’t sleep with the refrigerator on the other side of your bed.

Bonus: Use incandescent light bulbs or even candles – not CFL’s or LED’s. Compact fluorescent light bulbs give off alarming high EMF’s. Plus, they contain mercury. Though they may save on your energy bill slightly, they’re not worth the risk. LED’s also contribute to your EMF exposure and have a lot of flicker which is damaging to your eyes and nervous system. Good old incandescent light bulbs are the best way to go. You can still find them online at websites like this one: https://www.1000bulbs.com/

And that’s it. I know, it might seem like a lot at first, and that’s ok. Tackle the steps you can now, and implement the others as you become more comfortable with them. Remember, electricity is a relatively new thing. All of our ancestors, from the beginning of time, survived without it. You will too!

One note of caution, as you decrease your cell phone use, you might feel a bit of withdrawal. This is a very real thing.
You may actually need to seek out professional help, and I would encourage you to do so if you can’t limit your usage. Once you are able to cut back, I guarantee you’ll be more than pleased with the extra time in your day. Think of all the things you could do if you’re not staring at your phone! The options are endless. And of course, you’ll be doing your body and mind a HUGE favor. The health benefits far out way any inconvenience you might feel.

If you’re serious about improving your health and are ready to get started, consider having a complete EMF assessment of your home or workplace. We’ll help you identify all the areas you can improve on, and teach you how to make your home the safest place possible for you and your family. You deserve it! Call us today, we always love to hear from you!

Cathy Cooke, BCHN, BBEC Holistic Nutritionist and Building Biologist is the founder of Whole Home and Body Health which provides EMF Assessments, Mold Testing, and Nutrition and Health Consulting located in Boise, Idaho. Cathy is available for consulting via skype and phone, and is also willing to travel as needed for home assessments. Schedule an appointment today!