Trying to create a low-EMF environment in your home? Don’t miss these hidden sources!
When most people think of EMF’s, they think of cell phones, Wi-Fi, ‘Smart’ Meters and other technology that communicates wirelessly (if you don’t know what EMF’s are see my post ‘What Are EMF’s and Why Should I Care?’). These are all important sources to consider, however, there are many not-so-obvious sources of EMF’s that may be inside your home right now.
I have been doing EMF assessments for several years now. I have seen many surprising sources of radio frequency, dirty electricity, magnetic fields and electric fields. Of course, the most common things I find are indeed cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and “Smart’ appliances. But even after a few hundred assessments, I still find ‘new’ sources that are a complete surprise to me, let alone the homeowner.
I find this concerning. If a homeowner has hired me to help them lower their EMF exposure, then they usually have a pretty good awareness about the devices they’re bringing into their home. They’re naturally trying to avoid devices that will further their exposure. So when I find something inside their home that they had no idea was giving off a signal, they are often shocked and angry.
Companies do not make it obvious if a device will emit a signal. Personally, I think they should. I think there should be a warning label on these devices just like there is a warning label on a pack of cigarettes. But, that conversation is for another post altogether. In this post, I want to help you identify what sources you may have inside your home right now without even knowing it.
- Thermostats. Are you able to program the temperature in your home from your phone? Then congratulations! You have a hidden source of EMF. It is very common for homes to have ‘Smart’ thermostats these days. If you need an upgrade you will most likely be sold on the ‘latest and greatest’ option. You may not realize that what you’re purchasing will send radio frequency pulses throughout your home every 30 seconds or so. It doesn’t matter if it’s connected to your phone or not. In fact, I often see the pulses increase in power when they’re NOT connected to a phone, because they’re frantically searching for that connection. So, if you’re trying to lower your RF exposure, check your thermostat. You may be surprised.
2. Stuffed animals. I’m not kidding! I recently did an assessment for a physician in my area that had two children under 5. In her son’s bedroom, I was picking up a high source of RF but could not locate it. Nothing made sense as the reading was coming from the floor, but there was nothing plugged in and nothing underneath the room that would be giving off a signal. Finally I started digging through the toy bin only to discover that the signal was coming from an oh-so-cute Elmo doll! The doll had a radio frequency signal that you could connect to your phone, enabling you to interact with the doll through an app. The child was sleeping within 2 feet of this doll every single night. Needless to say, the mother had no idea, and was horrified that this was in her son’s bedroom without her knowing about it.
3. Water softeners. Wait really? Yes, really. On an assessment I did about a year ago, I ran into a similar scenario as the Elmo doll situation. I was getting a strong signal in the daughter’s bedroom, which was directly above the garage. It was highest when I pointed the meter towards the floor. The homeowner assured me there was nothing in the garage that had a signal; they were a very ‘low-tech’ home. It took us a while to figure out, but eventually I went down to the garage to test everything ‘just in case’ there was something we overlooked. Sure enough, the water softener had a radio frequency signal. It was meant to send you a text on your phone about 2 times per year when the salt got low. Really? A text twice a year in exchange for 24/7 radio frequency into the daughters bedroom?? This is not ok. Paper still exists. I suggested the homeowner replace this device with one that was not ‘Smart’ and simply write a reminder on her calendar every six months.
4. Baby Monitors. THESE. ARE. HUGE. I’m telling you, of all things I have measured in the last several years, nothing, and I mean NOTHING has come close the massive radio frequency output I have gotten from simple old baby monitors. If you want to see this in action, check out this video of me testing one in a client’s home.
5. Alarm Clocks. Yes, even the really old ones. Actually, especially the really old ones! So often my clients will say, ‘Oh that’s a really old alarm clock, that won’t give off anything.’ While they don’t usually give off any radio frequency, they almost always have very high magnetic fields. Almost all digital clocks have this problem. The digital clock on the stove? Microwave? Oven? Yes, all of them. The good thing is that the field usually diminishes quickly with distance, so the key is to not stand right next to them for any length of time. You especially don’t want to sleep right next to it. So, if you can keep your alarm clock a few feet from your head, you should be ok. I usually tell people to put it on the other side of the room just to be safe.
6. Adjustable beds and recliners (or any furniture that plugs in). I often come across massage chairs, adjustable beds, adjustable desks, heated chairs, or other furniture in the home that uses electricity. The problem here is that any time you have a device with a plug, that cord is bringing voltage to the item using it. So, I often find huge electric fields on mattresses, recliners, at desks etc. Of course, I mostly concerned about the bed. It’s really not a good idea to sleep in such an elevated field. If you must have a bed that plugs in, adjust it, and then unplug it. If you need to adjust it in the middle of the night, I suggest plugging it into a power strip that you can reach, turn it on, then turn it right back off when you’re done.
7. Solar Panels. I know, you want to do the right thing for the environment (and your utility bill) by installing solar panels. The problem here is that solar panels put a significant amount of dirty electricity on the wires that run through your house. This is not good. This form of EMF can cause many health problems. Fortunately, there are a few companies out there that understand this problem, and know how to install the panels with much less EMF impact. If you want some advice on this topic, just reach out to me and I can help.
8. White-noise machines. I see white-noise machines in many children’s bedrooms. They’re harmless right? Some are, and some are definitely not! Just like an alarm clock, some noise machines can give off very high levels of magnetic fields. I have tested many that extend quite far from the machine itself – up to 8 or 9 feet. So, if you have a white-noise machine, you really need to test it to make sure it’s safe. At a minimum, keep as far away from the bed as possible.
9. Washers/Dryers. So many of our appliances are enabled with ‘Smart’ technology these days. I see this often with washing machines and dryers. Honestly I’m not quite sure what the true benefit is. I see no reason why you’d need a radio frequency on your washing machine. Regardless, many of them have it. This one is especially tricky because the frequency is often only being emitted when it’s running. So, it’s very easy to miss. You should be able to easily identify if you’re washing machine or dryer in enabled with this technology though. Just look up the brand and model and it should tell you.
10. Gas or Water Meters. So many people are aware of their utility meter giving off a radio frequency signal, but did you know that your gas or water meter might also be ‘Smart’? It’s true, and the chances are high. More and more utility companies are going in this direction. It saves them boatloads of money to send your meter reading through the air rather than have someone manually read it each month. Shielding these meters is tricky given their location and non-uniform size. It all depends on where your meter is and how it’s potentially affecting your space. You may need a building biologist to help you with this one.
This is just a short list of devices that might be contributing to an unnecessary exposure inside your home. With the push towards the ‘Internet of Things’, more and more devices are enabled with wireless communications than every before. Sadly, it really is up to the buyer to understand what they’re purchasing. When shopping for a new appliance or electronic gadget, do your best to verify if it has wireless communications or not. Here’s a hint- if it has an FCC ID# on it, then it gives off radio frequency. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. For other electronics that plug in, be mindful of keeping them at a distance from your body.
Want more tips? Check out our ‘Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure’ by going here. If you’re just uncertain or overwhelmed with this whole topic (which is understandable!) then reach out to us so we can help you. We can simplify the overwhelm and give you simple steps to improve your environment right away.
Need more help in identifying the sources of your EMF exposure? Give us a call or schedule an appointment with us today, we’d love to help!

Cathy Cooke, BCHN, BBEC Holistic Nutritionist and Building Biologist is the founder of Whole Home and Body Health which provides EMF Assessments, Mold Testing, and Nutrition and Health Consulting located in Boise, Idaho. Cathy is available for consulting via skype and phone, and is also willing to travel as needed for home assessments. Schedule an appointment today!