Is Your Microwave Really Something You Should Be Worried About?

I get asked questions about microwaves all. the. time.  Not only because I’m an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, but also because I’m a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist.  It’s interesting that this one item can so massively affect both your nutrition and your body directly!

First, let’s talk about the radio frequency exposure that your microwave is emitting.  Many people think that the radio frequency does not actually penetrate outside the box.  This is definitely not true.  I have tested dozens of microwaves, and every single one is emitting extremely high levels of radiation right out into your living space.  In fact, I can usually pick it up in every corner of the house, and will often pick up the neighbor’s if it happens to be on when I’m testing.  While all units are different, they all exceed the levels that I would be comfortable with.  If you want to see this in action, check out this video where I test a microwave inside a clients home:


Is Your Microwave Dangerous?

Next, lets talk about what microwaves do to your food.  As we know, microwaves heat your food with ‘microwave radiation’. The absorption of microwave energy interacts with water molecules in the given food. This creates heat, and the food is then ‘cooked’.  So the million-dollar question is, ‘Does this reduce the nutrient value of the food?’

Unfortunately, in my years of research on the topic, I have yet to come to a conclusive answer.  There are some studies that show much of the nutritional value is actually preserved with microwave cooking due to the fact that it cooks so quickly.  Other studies have shown that microwaving your food decreases nutritional value and can actually cause the food to become carcinogenic.  The research is so divisive, that I have been unable to come to a solid conclusion.

So then, what is a health-seeking person to do?  In the case of microwaves, I feel that the precautionary principle is the best approach.  I personally do not use one, and haven’t for nearly 25 years.  I find it completely unnecessary to expose myself to excessive radio frequency radiation when there are several other options for cooking food: stovetop, oven, fire, sun… And when it comes to the nutrient value of your food, IF cooking it in a microwave makes it carcinogenic or reduces the nutrient value, then why would you do it?  No, we don’t know for sure, but if you have other cooking methods, then why take the chance?  You’ve spent a lot of money on that fresh, organic, pasture-raised food, don’t blow it by ‘nuking’ it!

I realize that using a slower method of cooking is inconvenient for some, but if you just implement a few time-saving techniques, it’s really no big deal.  Here’s a few ideas:

  • Think ahead.  Plan what you’re going to have for your next meal so you can heat something up in the oven ahead of time.  You don’t have to wait to prepare food until you’re starving.
  • Have ready-to-eat foods accessible when you do find yourself in that ‘ravenous’ state.  This can include cut up veggies, hummus, nut butters, fruit, grass-fed cheese, deli meats, olives, avocados, pre-cooked hard boiled eggs…you get the idea.
  • Don’t freak out about eating your leftovers cold.  Who says your day-old food has to be hot?  Cold food can be just as satisfying as hot food!
  • Invest in a quick-cooking instant pot.  These are amazing kitchen tools which safely cook your food in record time.  You don’t have to worry about radiation exposure nor losing the nutrient value of the food.  Plus, food cooked this way tastes WAY better than food cooked in an microwave!

Once you get used to thinking ahead and planning just a little bit, living without a microwave will be seamless. Trust me, I’ve done it for nearly 25 years and I don’t miss it one bit!  Do you have more tips to share on how to live microwave free?  Please let us know so we can share!

Want more tips? Check out our ‘Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure’ by going here.  If you’re just uncertain or overwhelmed with this whole topic (which is understandable!) then reach out to us so we can help you.   We can simplify the overwhelm and give you simple steps to improve your environment right away.

Need more help in identifying the sources of your EMF exposure?  Give us a call or schedule an appointment with us today, we’d love to help!

Cathy Cooke, BCHN, BBEC Holistic Nutritionist and Building Biologist is the founder of Whole Home and Body Health which provides EMF Assessments, Mold Testing, and Nutrition and Health Consulting located in Boise, Idaho. Cathy is available for consulting via skype and phone, and is also willing to travel as needed for home assessments. Schedule an appointment today!