Affiliate Disclosure
Some of the links on this website are affiliate links which means I receive a small commission if you purchase a product through that link. This comes at no additional charge to you, and I do my best to work with the company to offer discounts wherever possible. I only recommend products I can truly get behind, I have personally vetted, or that I use myself. I take product recommendation seriously, and because of that, from time-to-time recommendations may change as I receive new information, or if products undergo changes.
My Top Health and Wellness Courses
When it comes to improving your health, be it diet, EMF, mold, or sleep, I have a course on that! Check out all of my courses below.

How to Hardwire Your Internet
No you don’t have to hire someone to drill holes in your walls and run cables all over your house. You can hardwire your computer yourself. It’s not that hard! This course show’s you exactly how to do it yourself, with several different options.

The Sleep Easy Method
I personally struggled with insomnia for over 25 years. It was beyond frustrating. I did everything, took everything, tried everything, and then did some more. Nothing worked for me. Then I began to understand it’s never ‘one’ thing, but an entire lifestyle. There are numerous aspects to sleep, including diet, environment, air quality, EMF, stress, movement, circadian rhythm and a lot more. I combined everything I learned about sleep (over 30 years worth!) in this program. It’s exactly what got me sleeping again, and gave me my life back.

EMF Health Course Bundle
All of my courses combined at a massively discounted price!

Fly Healthier and Feel Better
I created this program because well, I loathe flying. Due to my job, I have to travel a lot. Some of us need to get on an airplane from time to time, and it can be a huge struggle for most of us. Even those of us that are perfectly ‘healthy’ can struggle with the stress, circadian rhythm, early mornings, etc. This course tells you exactly what to do to combat the fatigue, the brain fog, the EMF exposure, the poor quality food choices etc. It’s everything you need to know to fly healthier and enjoy your trip.

Mold Remediation Done Right
Having completed hundreds of mold inspections over the last several years, there is one thing I’ve seen over and over: failed remediation. Unfortunately the remediation business is wrought with fraud. When remediation is not done properly, you not only lose money, but you can remain ill for months, even years. It’s imperative that remediation is done properly. I have been heartbroken too many times to count when I see a family go through the heartache of a botched job. I don’t want this to happen to anyone, so I created this course. I teach you the exact steps your remediation company should take in order to do properly remediate your home.

EMF Crash Course
This course will teach you how to test the four fields inside your home: radio frequency, dirty electricity, electric fields and magnetic fields. I give you step by step instructions on how to measure each field, and suggestions for mitigating them as you find them. If you’re confused by all the EMF lingo but you really want to learn to test for yourself, this course is for you.