Products to Reduce Your Exposure to EMFs

Safe Sleeve
Our best recommendation is to NOT use a cell phone.
But, we realize that most of us won’t give it up, so in that case, we recommend a Safe Sleeve.
When you’re phone is inside the protective case, it is shielded somewhat from radio frequencies.
So when you MUST use you’re phone, this cover will lessen your exposure.

Airtube Headset
Protect your brain from the electrical fields emanating from your earbud wires.
- Air-Tube Design – Durable silicone air tubes transfer sound to your ears to remove electronic speakers and wires from your head.
- Built-in Microphone – Can be used for phone calls, voice over IP, Siri or other virtual assistant, voice recording etc.

Shield Your Body Phone Pouch
When you MUST have a cell phone, this pouch can reduce your exposure by up to 90% The back side of the pouch is shielded, while the front is not. This allows you to get a call from the front, and deflects the signal away from your body.
Just be sure to have the back of the pouch facing you at all times. Use with an air-tube headset to reduce your EMF exposure even more.
TrueDark Glasses
Exposure to artificial light has many negative health impacts. Reduce your exposure with these blue-light-blocking glasses. Support eye-health, brain, sleep, and mood! Available in two styles: Yellow tinted Daywalkers are for daytime use and computer work; Dark red tinted Twilight for use in the evening to support restful sleep. Kids sizes now available!
Get 10% off with the code WHBH10!

Smart Meter Shield Kit
For more advanced protection, use this complete kit for shielding your Smart Meter. It covers an area of 8×7 feet and includes an RF reflector, an absorber material, mounting tape and ground cord. With these 2 layers, almost no radiation can get through. Includes directions and the Economy Exterior Smart Meter Shield Kit.
Smart Meter Shield Kit……..$349.95

Economy Smart Meter Shield Kit
When you don’t have an option to ‘opt-out’ or you need an immediate solution, this smart meter guard will help you reduce your Radio Frequency exposure. Consider this for your home, or any neighbors meter that may pointing towards your home.
Installation instructions can be found here.
Economy Exterior Smart Meter Shield Kit……….$19.95

External Keyboard
Creating distance from EMF sources is the best way to reduce your exposure. Hovering your hands over your laptop will expose you to high magnetic fields AND high electric fields for hours at a time. Using a wireless keyboard and mouse exponentially increases your radio frequency exposure from the Bluetooth signal. Create distance and reduce your exposure with this wired keyboard.
Remote Keyboard……$9.95

Wired Computer Mouse
Use a wired mouse instead of a wireless or bluetooth mouse and substantially reduce your EMF exposure.
Add the USB adapter (to the right) if your computer does not have a PS2 (round) port available.
Wired Computer Mouse…….$14.95
EMF Meters and Dirty Electricity Filters
The very unique ESI 24 RF Meter checks for all 3 types of EMF Radiation: magnetic fields, electric fields, and radiowaves/microwaves simultaneously. Easy to interpret RED / YELLOW / GREEN LED lights indicate EMF level and are supported by a loudspeaker that gives an audible indication of field strengths
ESI 24 EMF Monitor………. $280.00
Safe and Sound Classic Meter
This highly accurate meter is especially handy due to its small size. Take it with you everywhere you go to assess your radio frequency exposure. Engineered and designed by the RF Engineers of Safe Living Technologies, it is a simple to use detector with LED light ranges and requires no previous technical experience. You won’t find a more accurate meter in this price range.
Save 5% with code WHBH-5
Safe and Sound Classic Meter…….. $149.00
Trifield Meter Model TF2
An updated and improved meter, the TriField will test EMF pollution from Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields and Radio Frequency, making it very convenient for an “3-in-one” meter. This is a three-axis meter that is simple to use in a compact size. Instruction sheet and 9V battery included. 1 year ltd warranty. Made in USA.
Trifield Meter Model TF2………. $168.00
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters:
With the advent of “smart” meters and the plethora of electronics we plug in to our electrical system, “Dirty Electricity” (Microsurge Electrical Pollution) is almost impossible to avoid. The biological impact is very real. Gain piece of mind by installing Greenwave filters as needed in your home.
Click below to visit the Greenwave website and to purchase filters.
Shielding Options
Signal Tamer
This small lightweight pouch shields your Wi-Fi router or other devices. It will reduce your radio frequency exposure while still allowing a signal for your devices. The 10″x16″ fabric is adjustable. If you need a bit less shielding performance, just allow a small opening at the base. By varying the size of the opening, you can adjust the amount of signal “leakage”.
Signal Tamer………. $34.95
Bed Canopies
When your Radio Frequency fields are higher than you want even after mitigation, a canopy can be a good choice. Even if you’re not using wifi, a cell phone, or any smart appliances, Radio Frequencies can get into your home via the neighbors, cell towers, smart meters, etc.
Using a canopy while sleeping will minimize your exposure and allow the body to get the deep sleep it needs to rebuild and rejuvenate.
There are several different options for canopies available.
Use the code: WHBH-5 to receive 5% off your order.
If in doubt, please call us so we can help you identify the best bed canopy for you.

Wave Cage
When you can’t get rid of Wi-Fi completely, this is a good option to reduce your radio frequency exposure. Simply put your router or modem inside the box, and it will reduce the magnitude of the frequency. It will still send a signal, but the range will be limited and the exposure ‘weaker”. Also good for smart speakers, phones or other wireless devices. The A756-B-s is 6.3″H x 5.4″W x 10.7″L.
Wave Cage……… $19.95
Shielding Fabrics
Sometimes we just need a little extra protection and shielding fabrics can help. They can be used while traveling to wrap up suspicious objects in hotel rooms, or friends and families homes. They can be sewn into clothing, or used as a scarf or shawl while flying or in any busy public area.
There are many different types of fabric.
Use the code: WHBH-5 to receive 5% off your order.
If in doubt, please call us so we can help you decide which fabric would be best for your situation.

Wave Cage Tall
Provides the same protection as the regular size Wave Cage, but in a taller size. When you have a bigger router or multiple antennas, you’ll need the bigger size. Also good for smart speakers, phones, and other wireless devices: 12.6″H x 5.5″W x 9.6″L
Wave Cage Tall…….$23.95

JRS Wi-Fi Routers
These low-radiation routers are designed to reduce your pulsed Radio Frequency exposure by up to 90%. Even better, when no Wi-Fi devices are connecting, the router goes into stand-by mode, eliminating the signal altogether. When you can’t hard-wire your devices, this is a good option. Use the code qp5fkrhr and save $9.