Summer is my favorite time of year…

Sun, swimming, camping, road trips, and of course, barbecues! When you think of barbecues and cooking out, most of us probably don’t consider them to be ‘healthy’. And if you’re like most Americans, they’re probably not. Have you been to a cookout that didn’t have potato chips, cheese dips, beer, soda, and a few varieties of cookies and pie? So in this case no, this is not a healthy cookout.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking, “But it’s summer, this is a cookout, we’re on vacation, this is a special treat, I only do this once in a while, let me have my junk!” I get it, I like to splurge ‘once in a while’ too. But the thing about cooking over a fire and cookouts in general is that they can be incredibly tasty and healthy at the same time! And this requires very little effort. I mean, if you can achieve something that nourishes your body and soul at the same time, why wouldn’t you do it? So here are 5 things to do to keep your cookout good for you:

1. When purchasing meat for the grill, do your best to source the meat from the highest quality source you can find. In America, we often associate meat consumption with poor health. It’s not the meat per se, but the QUALITY of the meat we’re consuming. If you’re eating CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) raised meat routinely, then yes, you could experience health issues from that. Don’t believe me? Check out any of these studies for more information on the horrendous conditions of CAFO’s by clicking here.

Pasture based animal products on the other hand, can be quite the health food. Grass fed beef for example is higher in nutrients like zinc, carnitine, CoQ10 and Omega-3’s. When you buy from a reputable source, you will also be avoiding hormones, antibiotics and the pesticides and herbicides from the grain the cows were fed. As a bonus, when done right, cows feeding on grass help with carbon sequestration; so you’re supporting the environment at the same time! Win-win-win!

2. Marinate your meats prior to cooking. Using fire to cook meats produces HCA’s or heterocyclic amines which are carcinogenic compounds. Generally, the safest way to cook meat is to ‘go low and slow’, meaning low heat for longer periods of time. But since we’re talking grilling here, we’re using high heat for shorter periods of time. This produces more HCA’s. If you want to go deeper into the science about this, check out this article.

Luckily for us, marinades can impart delicious flavor to our grilling pursuits, so there’s not reason not to. There are loads of recipes you find online to produce the flavors you’re looking for, but to reduce the HCA’s, you’ll want to add high antioxidant foods such as garlic, onions, cherries, olive oil, rosemary and lemon. This is a nice one.

3. Don’t forget the vegetables! Ok you saw that coming, but it deserves repeating. I know you love your potato chips, but when you think about a nice skewer of zucchini, tomatoes, onions, and carrots drizzled with oregano, olive oil and salt coming off the grill, which sounds better? I don’t have to tell you the nutritional differences, it’s obvious. Just think about how much better you’ll feel when forgoing the chips and supporting your body instead, and local farms! Don’t forget to make them organic!

4. So you must have that sweet treat at the end of the meal right? What’s a barbecue without pie? Well you’re in luck- there is no need to forgo a sweet treat if it’s made with quality ingredients. Fortunately for us, there are a plethora of outstanding bloggers out there making decadent paleo treats that are indeed, ‘good for you’. Is it brownies you’re looking for? Go here. Can’t live without the chocolate chip cookies? Check this out. Or is it pies you can’t leave behind? Here is a lovely apple pie.

Whatever you do, please don’t go pick up a pie or pastry from the big box grocery store that has over 2,000 ingredients. You love yourself more than that right?!

5. Ditch the soda for a kombucha, water kefir or ‘mocktail’. You don’t need me to tell you how unhealthy that 40grams of sugar soda is for you. You know you shouldn’t be drinking it. And I hope you know that the diet versions are just as bad if not worse? If you don’t know this, read more here.

But you may feel incomplete without that sugary beverage at your cookout. Enter kombuchas and mocktails! There are so many brands and varieties of kombuchas and water kefir’s on the market today that we can all find a flavor we love. If you just can’t wrap your mind around the fermented thing, then don’t fear the ‘mocktails.’ You can dream up so many lovely concoctions, the sky is the limit. My favorite is a simple base of soda water, add in a tiny shot of pomegranate juice, throw in some chopped up some basil and mint, add a little ice, stir and enjoy! You can let your mind go wild with ideas. You’re getting a nice dose of antioxidants, a lift from the herbs, and whole lot less sugar and other gross stuff.

So that’s it! 5 easy steps you can take to keep your body feeling good without the depravation. The next time you cook out, let me know how it goes!

Cathy Cooke, BCHN, BBEC Holistic Nutritionist and Building Biologist is the founder of Whole Home and Body Health which provides EMF Assessments, Mold Testing, and Nutrition and Health Consulting located in Boise, Idaho. Cathy is available for consulting via skype and phone, and is also willing to travel as needed for home assessments. Schedule an appointment today!