Vielight Brain Photobiomodulation

Save 10% With Code WHBH

What is brain photobiomodulation?

Brain photobiomodulation (PBM) utilizes red to near-infrared (NIR) photons to stimulate the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme (chromophore/complex IV) of the mitochondrial respiratory chain because this enzyme is receptive to light energy. This creates an increase in ATP synthesis, leading to the generation of more cellular energy.

Benefits of using the Vielight include:

  • Improved mood
  • Energy regulation
  • Improved cognition
  • Inflammation modulation
  • Increased brain oxygenation
  • Treatment for traumatic brain injuries
  • Reduced oxidative stress
  • …and an overall improvement in wellbeing!

Check out this video for more information:


Infrared light therapy has numerous benefits and has been shown time and time again to support healing, energy, mood, metabolism, and much more.  Try the Vielight system today and save 10% with code WHBH.