So what’s the deal with 5G?  Harmful or helpful?

There’s a lot of information (and misinformation!) circulating on the interwebs about ‘5G’. Perhaps you haven’t heard of 5G. Or perhaps you’re chomping at the bit for all the super cool technology 5G proponents claim it will do…

First of all, let’s get clear on exactly what we’re talking about here. ‘5G’ stands for ‘fifth generation’ in regards to cellular technology. If you were to make a call with your cell phone right now, it would connect to a big macro tower with ‘3G or 4G’ antennas.

‘3G’ and ‘4G’ technology uses microwaves somewhere around 800MHz to 2600MHz. These radio waves travel several miles. ‘5G’ technology will continue to use these microwaves in addition to the millimeter waves that are ‘5G’s’ signature. These millimeter waves don’t travel that far and can be blocked by building materials and foliage. Because of this, antennas will need to be placed every 100-200 yards. This provides a dense network of radio frequency antennas on every block. Invariably, there will be one very close to your home.

Proponents claim that ‘5G’ will enable driverless cars, encourage medical breakthroughs, substantially increase download speeds, enhance virtual reality, and connect all of your devices in your home to your phone.

The truth is, most of us are utterly oblivious to the implications that this technology will have on our quality of life. The telecom industry works hard to keep us in the dark. Instead, it promotes how much better your life will be when you can download your movie a minute faster than you could before.

In fact, many of the applications being touted by the industry are nothing more than sham marketing. Driverless cars have the ability to use the paint on the road as its guide; millimeter waves are actually not needed. Doing remote surgeries via a wireless Internet connection is completely unrealistic – what happens if a robot is cutting you open and the connection is not stable? The wicked fast download speeds they promise are still to be seen in cities where ‘5G’ is already active. Privacy and security concerns are serious considerations if you connect everything in your home to your phone.

 And what about the health implications? In communities where ‘5G’ is installed, no resident will be able to escape the 24/7 pulsed-radiofrequency exposure. To date, there are thousands of studies showing adverse health consequences of long-term exposure to these frequencies. Please be aware that industry-funded research draws completely different conclusions than independent research. When searching for answers about the biological impact of this technology, it’s imperative to understand who funded the studies and what affiliations the authors may have. Of particular concern is the health of our vulnerable residents, the elderly, and our children. See my post ‘What Does The Science Say?’

In addition to the health hazards, studies have shown that the closer your home is to a cell tower or antenna, the more your property value decreases. Are you ready to have your property values decline by nearly 20%? And what about the aesthetics of your neighborhood? Historic Preservation values are threatened. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has essentially stripped the rights of local governments and communities in all areas regarding the placement of 5G antennas.

What about environmental considerations? Because obstructions can block millimeter waves, many trees will be threatened with removal. Tree removal affects the community on many levels, including aesthetics, air quality, shade and temperature regulation, utility bills, property value, wildlife habitat, and mental health.   Got a tree in your yard that you love? Are you prepared for it to be cut down so you can get faster download speeds?

And what about the insects, and wildlife? Do telecommunication companies give any thought to the pollinators for whom our ecosystem depends? Studies have shown that the increase in electromagnetic fields in our communities have been contributing to the decline in insects and wildlife all over the world. See this article for more information on this disturbing trend.

Lastly, I would argue that being more connected can have very serious mental health consequences. Do you really want to spend more time staring at your screens? Is our addiction to technology making us happier? Healthier? More productive? Do you see a problem with our need to escape actual reality for ‘virtual reality?’ What happened to spending time outdoors? Talking face-to-face? Having relationships with our neighbors? Playing board games with our family? The more reliant we become on our devices, the more detached we become from nature, and the more our quality of life suffers.

Certainly I would agree that the technology of ‘5G’ is impressive. But just because we can do it, doesn’t mean we should. The human race does not have a need for the Internet of Things. We don’t need remote surgeries. We don’t need driverless cars. We don’t need to control our thermostat from our office. While these little tricks might be cool, the risks far away the benefits.

The bottom line is that we must do everything we can to educate our elected officials about this problem. This rollout must be stopped. Our health and our quality of life is greatly threatened by this unnecessary technology. Click here to see if there is an active group in your community. If there isn’t one, contact me so I can help you start one. Communities across the country are rolling this out as we speak, we must all act NOW!

Looking for ways to protect yourself from EMF’s?  Check out our ‘Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure’ by going here.  If you’re just uncertain or overwhelmed with this whole topic (which is understandable!) then reach out to us so we can help you.   We can simplify the overwhelm and give you simple steps to improve your environment right away.

Need more help in identifying the sources of your EMF exposure?  Give us a call or schedule an appointment with us today, we’d love to help!

Cathy Cooke, BCHN, BBEC Holistic Nutritionist and Building Biologist is the founder of Whole Home and Body Health which provides EMF Assessments, Mold Testing, and Nutrition and Health Consulting located in Boise, Idaho. Cathy is available for consulting via skype and phone, and is also willing to travel as needed for home assessments. Schedule an appointment today!